Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome! Wilkommen! Bienvenido! Bienvenuto! Akwaaba!

Hi! This is the first post of my blog that I'll use to document my time while abroad for a year in my motherland of Ghana. I guess technically the journey began in June, when I went to Washington D.C. for the Orientation and met the other Fulbrighters. But as those of you who are familiar with my recent alma mater, Northwestern University in Il, we work on the quarter system and school was in full swing until late June. Now that I have finally graduated and am back in my home town of Dallas, Texas, I am finally mentally preparing myself for Sept. 7th 2008, the date when I'll touch down on Ghana soil to begin my year abroad. My mom will be flying with me and staying for a month (!). 2 of the other Fulbright students are leaving in 3 weeks.

Wow, I still can't believe this is all real. I never would have thought I would actually get the opportunity to live abroad for a year and get paid for it! Its one of those things that you know will be life changing, and I intend to take full advantage of everything. Not a day will be wasted!

I'll be posting pictures/thoughts/fears/embarrasing moments, etc etc. Perhaps in my next post, Ill detail a little more about my project and what it was like to apply.

Thats all for now!
xoxoxo Karen


LEON said...

Aww Karen, I can't wait to read about it! Best of luck :-)

קורטני שרפ|كورتني شرپ said...

Hi Karen! This is Courtney Sharpe… look forward to reading about your travels. :-)

Karen Nicole said...

Aw, thanks yall!